Gypsy Belly Dance

This genre of Belly Dance is a stylized fantasy version of the "Gypsy" style dancing, and is largely a creation of Hollywood. Based on Turkish and Spanish movement and influenced by the dances of the Romani people, this style is very lively, with large, percussive movements and expressive gestures, as well as colorful layers of costuming. The term "Turkish Belly Dance" can also have multiple meanings. When many people think Turkish Belly Dance, they are often referring to this "Gypsy" style, which is often characterized by large, flowing skirts, coin accessories, choli tops worn over the bra, hair flowers, fringe shawl scarves, and lots of color! The music is mostly traditional music from the Middle East and Mediterranean regions. In recent years, due to increased contact with Romani musicians and dancers, performers like Dalia Carella have emphasized the ethnic roots of Romani dance by including only true Romani folkloric movement in some performances.
Turkish Orientale (“Oryantal”) bellydance will often use a musical section and costuming inspired by Romani dance as part of a larger performance but includes other elements such as finger cymbals, contortionist-style upper body work, floorwork and movement borrowed from ballet and other dance forms.
Here our some great items that can help you get started with your Gypsy Belly Dance library and wardrobe:
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