Keeping Dance Motivation During Quarantine And Curfew

Keeping Dance Motivation During Quarantine And Curfew

Without a doubt, the quarantine experience has left so many of us feeling uninspired and unmotivated. This is the opportunity to contemplate where we'd like to go from here both as individuals and as a community.
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15 Signs You're a Bellydancer

15 Signs You're a Bellydancer

1. You’re easily distracted by anything that sparkles… (especially rhinestones!)

2. You have cats…and they get angry when you practice your finger cymbals.

3. You have a sword in your car’s trunk and you’re not afraid to use it!
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Top 10 Reasons to Belly Dance by Amaya

Top 10 Reasons to Belly Dance by Amaya

#10) For the Sisterhood of it…nothing like a girl’s-night-out to the dance studio to laugh, shimmy and have a drink afterwards with like-minded women!  When women gather outside the circle of men, kids, jobs….they glow.

#9)  Better Health….burn some calories, flatten those abs, stretch out those kinks and stand taller.  Gain cardio stamina, muscle strength PLUS the knowledge that you can hold those arms up longer than any football player. Your doctor will love you for taking bellydance classes...
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My Vision of Belly dance as an Alternative Spiritual Culture By Ansuya

My Vision of Belly dance as an Alternative Spiritual Culture By Ansuya

During my time with the wonderful women of Prem Shakti, I am once again amazed by the power of Belly dance to overcome language, cultural, and personal differences, uniting women on a quest to understand the power of sensuality and its physical and spiritual implications. How many reasons are there to dance?
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How To Look Better Naked or In Costume Without Exercising By Meleah

How To Look Better Naked or In Costume Without Exercising By Meleah

That's right, no exercise required. We have all been told that we have to work out to tone up. Well, that is true of toning muscle. However, you can achieve toning effects for the skin from the outside. Your skin is the most visible part of your body. It should be pampered and maintained as part of your grooming routine. Try some of these techniques and you will see a great improvement. Some of these tricks yield instant results, and others will show improvement in 2-4 weeks. Your skin will be soft and silky to the touch. It will also appear firmer.
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In Search of a Better Belly By Jasmin Jahal

In Search of a Better Belly By Jasmin Jahal

Romantically and spiritually, the belly is the core of a woman's being, her femininity, her center of power. Historically, a soft, round womanly shape was considered beautiful, and a curving belly symbolized both wealth and position. It seems most men still prefer a woman with those curves, but modern society has influenced the opinion of most women. In the Western world, the least favorite part for most women is the lower abdominal, affectionately referred to as the belly.
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Belly Dancing in Shanghai by Belly dancer Kaeshi Chai

Belly Dancing in Shanghai by Belly dancer Kaeshi Chai

Shanghai, also known as the Paris of Asia, has an exploding belly dance scene that is only 2 years old. In the eye of this shimmy storm, is the Isis Belly dance club spearheaded by Sissy Wu, Estelle Shao and Sophie.
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Selecting, Using and Storing Balanced Belly Dance Props By Princess Farhana

Selecting, Using and Storing Balanced Belly Dance Props By Princess Farhana

Before you buy a sword, or scimitar (a larger, sharply curved sword), make sure it is correctly balanced. Swords are easy to test: a sword that isn’t balanced at all will fall flat on your hand (or head) making it completely useless. One that is balanced properly will stand straight on its blade. If a sword isn't balanced it may lean and will be more prone to wobble. Sometimes, you can kind of tweak the handle with your hand or a screwdriver (some are loose) and get it into correct balance; with some swords, you can actually take the entire handle off, turn it upside down, and it will balance better, but it may be awkward to hold.
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12 Tips for Teaching Bellydance Choreography to Your Students

12 Tips for Teaching Bellydance Choreography to Your Students

Respected author and belly dance instructor Sara Shrapnell shares 12 Tips on Teaching Belly Dance Choreography to your students. 1. Finalize your choreography before you start teaching it to your students, but remain open minded and adaptable. If they can’t do a combination or they don’t travel far enough to make the shape you wanted, then you are going to have to make changes.
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The Healing Potential of Belly Dance: Recovering from Illness Through an Ancient Art Form

The Healing Potential of Belly Dance: Recovering from Illness Through an Ancient Art Form

At a time when I felt my worst, belly dancing was the key to my restorative process and to reclaiming my health. As a cancer survivor and professional belly dancer, I would like to share my experience of how powerful the healing potential of belly dance was by using it in my restorative process and how it brought a sense of normalcy back into my life.
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